VISIT SKYGODSMOVIE.COM for my latest film project on aviation
VISIT SKYGODSMOVIE.COM for my latest film project on aviation
Why are we doing this trip?
200 countries committed to keep the warming of our planet under 1.5°. In 2050 we promised a zero carbon world and to be less depending on fossil fuels. Our future’s main source of energy won’t be oil and gas but from renewable sources such as wind and solar. The Winds of Change Expedition will focus on this pivotal moment in time. We hope to inspire citizens and positively influence corporations and governments. Just like our polar expedition, the energy transition will be full of surprises and challenges and big changes coming our way are inevitable. But one thing is for sure, it is a one-way street, only the way forward counts, returning is not an option. Follow our expedition as we ski the length of the Greenland Icecap starting May 4th.
I have been a climate journalist for more than twenty years, tackling complex climate issues and translating those into film, books and lectures. My expeditions always focus on climate change and through different media I will continue to ask attention for our precious planet.
If you would like to read about climate change in the Arctic, you can order my latest book Arctica – my biography of the North Pole directly at
I like the cold. In 2007/08 I skied to the North and Southpole, across the Greenland Icecap and across a frozen river in Siberia. In 2014, I skied from the North Pole to Canada and in 2017 to the North Pole again on a science mission in collaboration with NASA. During the last couple of years, I have taken more than one hundred Captains of Industry to Svalbard to see for themselves the effects of climate change in the Arctic.
Himalaya Alert! is about climate change on Mt. Everest, Desert Alert! about the future of the Bani and Niger Rivers in Mali. For our six-part series Tipping Points, I traveled to 15 countries and interviewed hundreds of scientists about the effects of temperature increases that lead to tipping points in our planet. This series aired in 45 countries. Sea Blind is about ship emissions and the opening of the Arctic Northern Sea Route. Currently we are producing SKY GODS the price of our love of flying. For more info, visit